Get Up and Go

Peer walking program

Get those steps in, explore the local area, and connect with others!

Get Up and Go is a peer-support walking program for students who want to meet new people, improve or maintain their level of physical exercise, and support their emotional wellbeing. There are so many benefits of exercise, especially while studying! It can be easy to spend many hours sitting at a desk and taking the time to move your body while getting a bit of social connection is very important.

This program works by linking two students together who have registered to participate. You can request to be matched with other students of a similar age, gender, study level, and more. Once we have matched you with a walking partner, we hand it over to you to contact each other and set up a time to walk every week. We recommend a one hour walk each week, on or around your local UTAS campus.

How do I sign up?

Head to this registration form and fill out all your details and agree to the conditions. Once this has been submitted, someone from Student Wellbeing will email you on your student email address for a wellbeing questionnaire and to match you with your partner.

Want more information?

See our information booklet.

If you have any further questions, please email