3. Planning your Semester

This module

Many students juggle study, work, family and other commitments. The key to success is careful time management.

Successful students:

  • plan each semester in advance to make sure they meet course deadlines
  • allocate time each week to keep up with their studies

The step-by-step guide below is a solid introduction.

Step 1 - Plan your semester (in advance!)

Advance planning a semester involves:

  • identifying the main assessment pieces for each unit
  • allocating enough time during semester to devote to them

To do this watch the video below or follow these steps:

  1. Log in to MyLO (each of your units should appear one week before classes start, or 48 hours after you enrol.)
  2. Download the 'Unit Outline' for each unit (to find them see the video below) They are in-depth guides, including assignments and due dates.
  3. Using the Unit Outlines and Assessment Planner, map when assessments are due and how big they are.
  4. Depending on how big each assignment is, map when to start each one. (A 1000–2000 word assignment takes 15–20 hours including research and writing.)

Need help?

Can’t find your username and password to log in to MyLO? It takes 24 hours after accepting an offer to receive these. Next please check your junk folders as spam filters sometimes put them there. The contact UConnect or the IT Service Desk +61 3 6226 2600 and select the option for IT Services.

Unit not appearing in MyLO? Units only appear one week before classes start, so don’t worry before this time. Units also take up to 48 hours to appear in MyLO after you have enrolled. But if one week or closer to semester and have been enrolled for some time then do the following:

  1. Make sure you are enrolled in your Student Portal under 'Enrolment'.
  2. Use the tool 'Is my unit online?' to double-check your unit is offered online 
  3. If you still require help submit a service ticket with the MyLO team or call (03) 6226 2600 and select the option for IT Services, during business hours.

Can't find your unit outline in one or more units? First look in the Announcements area, a link is usually provided in the first announcement. If not there, check the first items in the Content area. If having trouble finding Announcements or Content watch the video immediately below or find help here. Still can't find it? Check the Discussions area in the unit and ask your lecturer through this if someone has not already.

Need further help planning your studies? Talk to a Student Adviser. They offer advice tailored to your situation including on time management. Go here for contact details. You can also drop in to our Learning Lounge 10-12 (EST) weekdays for basic semester planning advice

Use the icon in the bottom right corner to make the video below full screen.

Step 2 - Plan your week

Next allocate time to keep up with your lectures, tutorials and readings each week.

We recommend 10 – 12 hours per week, per unit for study. This includes listening to lectures, reading weekly readings and participating in discussions.

  1. Use a diary or the Weekly Planner to map times to devote to each subject, to stay on top of weekly lectures and readings. The video below walks you though how to best use this.
  2. Bookmark the Semester Roadmap as a guide to the resources, help sheets and workshops most useful for each week.

Use the icon in the bottom right corner to make the video below full screen.

Need further help planning your studies?

Talk to a Student Adviser. They offer advice on time management. Go here for contact details.

You can also drop in to our Learning Lounge 10-12 (EST) weekdays for basic semester planning advice.

Prone to procrastination? Have a look at the funny and informative TED talk by Tim Urban at the bottom of the page.

Planning quiz

Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn't make sense, but he's never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this fun and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window -- and encourages us to think harder about what we're really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.

Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn't make sense, but he's never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this fun and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window -- and encourages us to think harder about what we're really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.

All planned! Now let's get connected!

'Welcome to our Cities' photo locations and acknowledgements:

  • Tasman Bridge, Hobart - Osborne Images
  • Launceston City - University of Tasmania
  • Burnie Waterfront - Osborne Images
  • Hobart City - Osborne Images