Student Wellbeing Ambassador Program

Tell us your ideas and insights, reduce mental health stigma and contribute to new programs!
The Student Wellbeing Ambassador Program (S.W.A.P) is for current students at the University of Tasmania who are interested in contributing their ideas, participating in events, and receiving training in student wellbeing and mental health. Our Ambassadors are a team of friendly student volunteers who are passionate about enhancing the mental health and wellbeing for all UTAS students. They play a crucial role in being the voice for students, co-designing wellbeing programs, and reducing mental health stigma.
There are three levels to the Student Wellbeing Ambassador Program, with increasing levels of contribution and commitment.
How to be part of S.W.A.P.
Level 1: CONSULT
Be the student voice as we develop and roll out new wellbeing and mental health programs and events. Attend monthly meetings with the Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Projects Coordinator, and provide feedback on current offerings, ideas for new initiatives, and contribute to the development of new programs.
- Attend monthly meetings where possible via Zoom. They will change each month for days/times to accommodate student timetables.
- Ambassadors are asked to commit to one semester and have the chance to re-join each semester if desired.
- Directly impact the wellbeing experience for UTAS students and make a difference.
- Professional connections and networking in the wellbeing space with other clinicians.
Help us when rolling out new and updated student wellbeing events and mental health initiatives. Attend and champion events such as RUOK? Day, Mental Health Week, Mindfulness sessions, Orientation activities. Be an enthusiastic advocate for reducing mental health stigma and help students understand their support options.
- Sign up to any events that fit in with your timetable.
- Attend planning meetings for the events and options debrief sessions with a clinician afterwards.
- Engage with other students in a fun and meaningful way, reducing stigma around mental health.
- Access free training such as Dealing with Distress, Learning about UTAS Supports, and Care Calm Suicide Prevention.
- Receive debriefing with a mental health clinician after events.
Train up as a lived experience Peer Worker and work alongside one of our University Counsellors to cofacilitate Group Therapy programs. Groups are informed by student need and evidence-based programs are developed by our clinicians. Contribute ideas around lived experience and assist clinicians to run the groups. You will receive essential training to be a Peer Worker, as well as training specific to the group you assist and supervision after each session.
- Complete any mandatory training in Peer Worker guidelines, ethics, counselling skills and more.
- Co-facilitate each group program you sign up for (typically 4-6 weeks) and attend supervision each week.
- Gain unique skills in group therapy facilitation, supervision, and program design.
- Connect with fellow students, reduce stigma, and make a significant difference in their lives.