Support Services

Within UTAS, there are a range of free support services available, including:
- personal counselling for students
- self-help resources and wellbeing programs
- employee assistance program (EAP) support for staff (including counselling and broader wellbeing services).
There are also great services in the community to support your mental and emotional health. If you have a Medicare card, you can speak to your GP/doctor about accessing a Mental Health Care Plan and referral to a local or telehealth Psychologist. Most providers will still have a gap payment, but this referral will reduce the fee significantly. You can also enquire with your private health fund to see if they cover psychology sessions.
If you are an International Student, you can access support through your Medibank Overseas Student Health Cover.
Aside from private Psychologists, we’ve collated a list of other local and national services and listed them in themes. Some services may also offer in-person support near you.

Suicide and Risk
The UTAS After-hours Crisis Support provides phone and text support weekdays 5pm to 9am and 24 hours on weekends and public holidays. Call 1300 511 709 or text 0488 884 168.
Lifeline provides 24-hour crisis counselling and suicide prevention services. Call 13 11 14.
Suicide Call Back Service provides 24/7 online and phone counselling if you or someone you know is feeling suicidal. Call 1300 659 467.
StandBy – Support After Suicide provide phone and in-person support to those affected by suicide.
Safe Haven is a drop-in space based in Hobart staffed by peer workers and mental health clinicians. Safe Haven provides support to people in suicidal or situational distress and their families, friends, or support networks. They are open 9 am to 10pm.
Head to Health in Launceston provides free support including mental health support for people with an immediate short to medium need, navigation to other suitable mental health services in the local community, and information and advice for family and friends of people experiencing mental illness.
General Mental Health
Headspace provides mental health and wellbeing support for people under 25 and their families, including information, support, and health services. To book an appointment call 1800 650 890, 9am-1am / 7 days a week.
Lifeline provides 24-hour crisis counselling and suicide prevention services. Call 13 11 14 any time.
A Tasmanian Lifeline. Students in Tasmania can call 1800 98 44 34 between 8am and 8pm, 7 days a week. You can also book a call-back time that suits you by visiting the website and providing some basic contact details.
MensLine Australia is a professional telephone and online support and information service for Australian men. Call 1300 78 99 78, 24 hours / 7 days a week.
SANE Australia provides support, training and education enabling those with a mental illness to lead a better life. Call 1800 18 7263, 10am-10pm AEST (Mon-Fri).
Beyondblue offers online chat and phone support. Call 1300 22 4636, 24 hours / 7 days a week.

Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Beyondblue aims to increase awareness of depression and anxiety and reduce stigma. The website includes lots of information and links to support.
Black Dog Institute offers information and support for stress, anxiety and depression, including an online clinic and online self-help program.
MindSpot is a free telephone and online service for people with stress, worry, anxiety, low mood or depression. It provides online assessment and treatment for anxiety and depression and can help you find local services. Call 1800 61 44 34, 8am-8pm (Mon-Fri), 8am-6pm (Sat).
Moodgym is an online self-help program and app aimed to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Family and Relationships
1800Respect offers confidential counselling, information and support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse. The website includes an online chat service. Phone 1800 737 732, 24 hours / 7 days a week.
Blue Knot Foundation provides support to those who have experienced childhood and complex trauma. Call 1300 657 380 to speak to a trauma counsellor, 9am - 5pm AEST / 7 days.
Family Planning Tasmania offers a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services including contraception, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment, cervical screening tests, pregnancy options including medication terminations, women’s health and gynaecological problems, and sexual health and counselling.
Family Violence Counselling & Support Service Tasmania provides information, counselling and support for children, young people and adults affected by family violence in Tasmania. Call 1800 608 122.
MensLine Australia is a professional telephone and online support and information service for Australian men. Call 1300 78 99 78, 24 hours / 7 days a week.
Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania provides targeted and meaningful services to meet the needs of migrants, humanitarian entrants and refugees living in Tasmania (including international students).
Parentline is a phone counselling service to assist parents of children aged 0-5 years, with stressful parenting issues or concerns. Phone 1300 808 178.
Relationships Australia offers services around the country that include counselling, family dispute resolution (mediation) and a range of family and community support and education programs.
Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment
1800Respect offers confidential counselling, information and support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse. The website includes an online chat service. Phone 1800 737 732, 24 hours / 7 days a week.
Laurel House is a not-for-profit, community-based sexual assault support service that operates across the North, North-East and North-West Tasmania.
Sexual Assault Support Service in Hobart is a free and confidential support service for southern Tasmanian people of all ages who have been affected by any form of sexual violence.
For other state-based sexual violence and/or domestic violence services see

Eating and Body Image
Butterfly Foundation, provides information, counselling and treatment referral for people with eating disorders, and body image and related issues. Call 1800 33 4673, 8am-midnight.
QLife provides nationwide telephone and web-based services to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people of all ages. Call 1800 184 527, 3pm-12am (midnight) AEST / 7 days a week.
Working It Out is Tasmania’s gender, sexuality and intersex status support and education service including individual and group support.
For more information see our LGBTQIA+ support article.
Sexuality and/or Gender Related Concerns
Sexual Health Service Tasmania (Clinics 60, 34 and 23) provides people with the opportunity to enhance their sexual health and wellbeing, including gender diversity and transgender care. Support is provided from doctors, nurses, counsellor and psychologist.
Family Planning Tasmania offers a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services from clinics in Burnie, Launceston and Glenorchy, as well as a number of outreach services.
Alcohol and Drug Use
Counselling Online offer free drug and alcohol counselling via phone, email or online chat. They also provide information and can link you in with services in your area.
Gambling Help Online provide counselling, information and support 24/7 to anyone affected by gambling. Call 1800 858 858.
Supporting Someone Else
R U Ok? provides guidance for how to have conversations with someone you are concerned about.
Carer Gateway connects you with a new Australia-wide network of Carer Gateway service providers. They will talk through what you need and help you to find local services and support to help you. Call 1800 422 737, 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Need further guidance/assistance in finding support?

In Tasmania
The Mental Health Integration Hub in Hobart provides free short term practical mental health support with:
Head to Health in Launceston provides free support including mental health support for people with an immediate short to medium need, navigation to other suitable mental health services in the local community, and information and advice for family and friends of people experiencing mental illness.
Find Help Tas website lists programs and supports for a range of areas including mental health, housing, health and alcohol and addictions.
Access Mental Health Helpline Tasmania is a 24/7 phone line staffed by clinicians. It is a point of contact and referral to public Mental Health Services in Tasmania for assessment and treatment. Call 1800 332 388.
Head to Health can help you find digital mental health services from some of Australia’s most trusted mental health organisations. Provided by the Australian Department of Health, Head to Health brings together apps, online programs, online forums, and phone services, as well as a range of digital information resources.

Medical services
For medical advice 24/7 you can call the free, government-funded national medical helpline on 1800 022 222. Access a range of health information at Health Direct.
While the University of Tasmania does not run its own medical facility, there are medical services in close proximity to each campus location.
If you are an international student with Medibank private health cover, you can contact the 24/7 Student Health and Support Line on 1800 887 283.
Medicare Urgent Care Clinics provide bulk-billed medical care for illnesses or injuries that can be managed without a trip to the emergency department (ED) but cannot wait for a regular appointment with a GP.
Family Planning Tasmania offers a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services (bulk-billed for university students) including contraception, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment, cervical screening tests, pregnancy options including medication terminations, women’s health and gynaecological problems, and sexual health and counselling.
Sexual Health Service Tasmania (Clinics 60, 34 and 23) provides people with the opportunity to enhance their sexual health and wellbeing, including gender diversity and transgender care. Support is provided from doctors, nurses, counsellor and psychologist.
Please note this is not a comprehensive list of available supports and services. We've compiled a list of those most referred to by the counselling service for your information but information and links change from time to time. If you notice information that is no longer accurate, or you know of a great service that should be added to the list, please contact us on